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STAGE Pick Up from 『凱旋門』

STAGE Pick Up from 『凱旋門』

  • 168時間
  • 0:04:18
  • 220円(税込)

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人気公演のワンシーンをそのままお届けするSTAGE Pick Up。パリの街角で、望海風斗扮するボリスが恋の儚さを、轟悠扮するドイツからの亡命者ラヴィックが、戦いへの不安を歌う。第二次世界大戦前夜のパリで時代の波に翻弄される人々の姿を描く物語のプロローグをピックアップ!
Based on ARC DE TRIOMPHE by Erich Maria Remarque Copyright (c) 1945 by New York University, successor-in-interest to the literary rights of The Estate of Paulette Goddard Remarque Performed by permission of New York University, successor-in-interest to the literary rights of The Estate of Paulette Goddard Remarque c/o Mohrbooks AG Literary Agency, Zurich, Switzerland through Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc., Tokyo


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